Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week8 Task2

Gas prices problem

We have gas prices ploblem if We have a car recently!!!
I think this ploblem has all over the country. I don't have a car in seattle,but I have a car in my country,so if I back to my country,I have to think about gas prices!! However,America's gas price is cheaper than Japan's gas price. State of washington's gas price is 1gallon about $4. If the unit changes gallon to liter, 1gallon is about 3liter, so about 1liter is $1.70 in Japan. Gas prices are so expensive!!!

manufacture・・・to produce something.

Week8 Task1

Badman Darknight

Someone came to gossamcity who is Joker. He really likes committing a crime. In addition, he felt joy. Then,Batman was desperate to catch a Mafia. Dent that is a public prosecutor becomes the friend and,They are going to catch a Mafia. But,Dent is aimed by Joker. Joker is going to make Dent a bad person.
This movie is the movie which is the newest in the bad man series. I watched the all bad man series, but I thought that this movie was the most interesting for me.

arreste・・・When the police take someone away to ask them about a crime which they might have committed

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week7 Task3

This music is slightly old, but it is one of the favorite music.  Because, when Backstreetboys came to Japan,I have watched a genuine article . In addition, I think this music is easy to sing, and the reason is because I have thought that we can use it to study English.

Week7 Task2


One day the asteroid where was about the same as State of Texas approached the earth. And, it take the orbit hitting the earth. How to save the earth is just to break it.Then、 a member of several oil digging go to the space to disturb it and is going to disturb it. . .
This movie is one of the movies to be impressed by in the movie which oneself watched. And it is very famous. Most people may have looked! ! !

Week7 Task1

Obama was decided on the President, and the outside was a festival yesterday.
I heard a speech on TV, but I decided to go to the outside because the outside was too annoying. Many people paraded on a road, and the pike street was not in condition to be able to go along a car,So I went in Broadway next. Then many people had a party in front of QFC. On the day when the President was fixed ,I didn't think that the nation became like this. So I thought that it was a terrible thing that the President changed.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week6 task3

This story is Japanese Genji and Heike of the fight of clan, and it is a Japanese old story.
Genji and Heike completely came down and have been reduced to a gang to both sides now.

Leader Kiyomori Taira of the red gang and Yoshitsune Minamoto of the white Genji gang went round the treasure which there was and continued an intense fight. Then, a one go-getter gunman appear. A big fight begins over him.

This is japanese movie, but the lines are English entirely.

Week6 Task2

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week6 Task1 Hello Ween

This is scary movie!!!
This movie is the movie which I thought to be the scariest in the movie which oneself watched. Because as for the movie which there was really
story. And it is the movie which is good for Halloween! ! !

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week4 Task3

This story is American football and impressive story. Hero's name is Rudy.
When he was young , he wants to enter to University of Notre Dame of the State of Indiana, and want to beiongs to football team. when he was hihg school student,he was hero in high school football team,but his body is small and short,so he gave up that he goes to university and belongs to football team. However he couldn't get over that he go to University of Notre Dame... He hold out to study. Finally, he can entered to University of Notre Dame!!! And then, he belonged to Football team quickly ,but he was the smallest person... therefore he wasn't used football game,but last game.....
This movie is my favorite movie. when I watched this movie, I was very impressed!!!
I really like this movie more than another movie. You should watch this movie once!!!


Transference- to move someone or something from one place to another.

Week4 Task2 Phoenix Mars Lander

Phoenix Mars Lander

NASA's latest robot has already found frozen water and is looking for more signs that the Red Planet could support life.
NASA already sent an explorer to MARS and it sent some MARS pictures to NASA. Also,MARS might has a living things because achemist said MARS is easy to live from the earth. I think MARS has a things because MARS has water. someday, we might be able to travel to MARS. Then, I think I want to go to MARS because I like to go to anywhere!!! But,it is still difficult...


sophisticate- very advanced and works in a clever way.
orbit-the circular journey that a spacecraft or planet makes around the sun.
martian-someone from the planet MARS in stories.

Week4 task1 American Airlines to roll out 'a la carte' pricing

American Airlines to roll out 'a la carte' pricing

Next year, American Airlines will introduce a new "a la carte" menu which gives travelers lower base fares with the option of paying for extras from beverages to blankets. I chose this news because we sometimes use an airplane and an airline if we go to somewhere. Also,I couldn't feel that this news was no concern of mine.
Most airline will be expensive when we take airplane!!!!! Because of "OIL CHARGE" and more things, so we can't take airplane frequently ...


nation ・・・a country
redemption・・・to be too bad to be improved or saved
roll out ・・・

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week3 Task3

I saw mising in MIG alley from NOVA.
This story is a story of the times when we had Korean War.
And, MIG is the name of a fighter made in Russia.
 In this time, the fighter of various countries flew about the sky of Korea.
I don't understand the so detailed thing about Korean War. But I have heard it when there was the thing that even ground is miserable at all as well as a problem of the sky.
There is in particular the thing that I studied that Japan made a serious thing in Korean. And I still become the problem between Japan and Korea in a part.
 I think that it is a difficult problem, but it is a problem to want to settle as soon as possible.


provoke(verb)・・・to cause a strong and usually angry reaction.
efficient(adj)・・・working well and not wasting time or energy.

Week3 task2


I watched movie SWAT !!!!!!!!! This movie is made based on genuine SWAT.  SWAT is an abbreviated designation of the Special Forces of the American police.
A hero is two SWAT. One day a case happens and is going to be settled, but two people ignore the order. I shoot a private citizen with a gun by mistake, besides.
Two people take disposal, but it is light disposal. However, one does not understand and leaves it.
 Meanwhile, it is scouted by the boss of former SWAT when another one does the trivial routine duties of the gun in the police.
 And he will come back to SWAT again.

I am intetested in different of between American police and other coutries police, so I chose this movie. But I could't know about that I just watched this movie.
I want to examine more about that...


eventual (adj)・・・happening or existing at the end of a process or period of time
assault (noun)・・・・an attack
plot (verv)・・・・to plan to do something bad

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week3 Task1


I saw trailer of hancock!!!!!!! Hero is Will Smith. He played John Hancock. Super hero of the hated person, John Hancock. He always goes too far,so he is avoided by people. Because he always goes too far even if he beats a bad person, he brings the big damage in the town. Therefore, the evaluation from people is a minus. One day , Hancock relieves Ray Embrey . She works public information strategic . Also, Hancock takes boos from a citizen as usual. But, only Ray gave thank you to him . And she approached Hancock with an image strategy to become a hero loved by people.
I chose this movie because I want to watch this movie , but I've never watched this movie...


audience --- the type of people who watch a particular TV show, read a particular book, etc.
stock------- all the goods that are available in a shop.
wise-------- a wise decision or action shows good judgment and is the right thing to do.
baddie------ a bad person in a film, book , etc.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My name is Takumi Nemoto.
Im from Japan.
This is my third quater, but still I can not speak English well hahaha
Nowadays, my friend lives off me, but he is good man because he trash our garbage everyday!
Anyway nice to meet you guys !!!