Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week4 Task2 Phoenix Mars Lander

Phoenix Mars Lander

NASA's latest robot has already found frozen water and is looking for more signs that the Red Planet could support life.
NASA already sent an explorer to MARS and it sent some MARS pictures to NASA. Also,MARS might has a living things because achemist said MARS is easy to live from the earth. I think MARS has a things because MARS has water. someday, we might be able to travel to MARS. Then, I think I want to go to MARS because I like to go to anywhere!!! But,it is still difficult...


sophisticate- very advanced and works in a clever way.
orbit-the circular journey that a spacecraft or planet makes around the sun.
martian-someone from the planet MARS in stories.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Mars is a fascinating place. Thanks for posting this! Gail